About Barbara
I have been singing and performing since I was a child. My first real gig was in the Baggot Inn in Dublin when I was 16. I can’t imagine not performing, it’s a part of who I am.
I’ve always been a writer too. I wrote my first novel when I was 8 years old. God it was awful. But hopefully I’ve learnt a thing or two about writing over the years.
My brother, my two best friends and I had a secret writers group (not really secret but that sounds much more exciting.) We needed something to entertain ourselves with on rainy days and growing up in Ireland, it seriously rained a lot, I mean a whole ton.
These days I live in Australia, in a hamlet by the sea on the stunning Great Ocean Road. It’s the perfect place to let my imagination run wild.
My books are commercial fiction, genre: Cozy crime. Basically they are a ‘who done it’ but always include a good dollop of romance. I’m a huge fan of love, always have been and always will be.
I’m working very hard to get my first novel ‘Jimmy’s last request’ published by one of the major publishing houses. Fingers crossed and say a little prayer for me, if you wouldn’t mind?
In April 2022 I attended a writers masterclass with the fabulous Fiona McIntosh (international best seller author). AT present I’m doing a writing course through Hay House publishing (which is absolutely AMAZING) and I’m usually attending some writers course or other through the Australian Society of Authors, well because I just love learning if you must know.
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